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Dean Grove The book is more or less just a script of the youtube videos. The book has no new real information and is sometimes even 1:1 the same as the videos.

I …more

The book is more or less just a script of the youtube videos. The book has no new real information and is sometimes even 1:1 the same as the videos.

I suggest you either wait for the audiobook (if needed) or just find the chapter index and create your own playlist from the broscience youtube channel.

The book was really disappointing to me.(less)

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Dec 11, 2016 rated it it was ok
It was actually rather a painful read. There is one paragraph however that I absolutely love:
Aim Lower:
You will never look like the girl in the magazine; the girl in the magazine doesn't even look like the girl in the magazine. Don't try to achieve your dream body; you can't have that, it's not real, that's why it's called a dream body. Instead, try to achieve your real body, which is the one you already have. Congrats, you did it. Always love yourself, even if deep down you're not truly happy a
It was actually rather a painful read. There is one paragraph however that I absolutely love:
Aim Lower:
You will never look like the girl in the magazine; the girl in the magazine doesn't even look like the girl in the magazine. Don't try to achieve your dream body; you can't have that, it's not real, that's why it's called a dream body. Instead, try to achieve your real body, which is the one you already have. Congrats, you did it. Always love yourself, even if deep down you're not truly happy and want to change things for the better. Just say fuck it and have some wine. And if that doesn't work then just actually whine.

RIGHT! Overall, this book doesn't know what it wants to be.

Part of it is humor, part is self-help, part social commentary on discrimination and racism and part is actual gym training tips. It's an odd mix that basically fails to accomplish anything.

Each chapter is approximately 2 pages long and is a direct transcription from his videos.

Nov 04, 2016 rated it really liked it
As a fan of Dom's Bro Science Life youtube channel, I really enjoyed this book. It caries over his signature comedic style. While much of the book is comedic, it does contain some actual good advice and motivation.

My only complaint is that there are sections of the book lifted verbatim from some of his older videos. I would have preferred if these sections were rewritten to be fresh and new. Regardless, it was a fun read.

I would recommend it

As a fan of Dom's Bro Science Life youtube channel, I really enjoyed this book. It caries over his signature comedic style. While much of the book is comedic, it does contain some actual good advice and motivation.

My only complaint is that there are sections of the book lifted verbatim from some of his older videos. I would have preferred if these sections were rewritten to be fresh and new. Regardless, it was a fun read.

I would recommend it

Quentin Borremans
Personal Response: I really enjoyed reading The Swoly Bible. Since I knew about his YouTube channel, it helped me understand what was going on. I would say if I have not known about his YouTube, I would have been confused. I found some parts of this book inspirational, even though some of the book was more than likely made up.

Plot: Dom went through many different points throughout the book. He went through each stage of being a lifter. He described how somebody would look and feel in a certain

Personal Response: I really enjoyed reading The Swoly Bible. Since I knew about his YouTube channel, it helped me understand what was going on. I would say if I have not known about his YouTube, I would have been confused. I found some parts of this book inspirational, even though some of the book was more than likely made up.

Plot: Dom went through many different points throughout the book. He went through each stage of being a lifter. He described how somebody would look and feel in a certain stage. He liked to rip on other people that were not strictly powerlifters. The biggest thing that he ripped on were cross fitters. He claimed that anyone that took a crossfit class only did it to say they work out. He had a chapter dedicated to what fitness really was. He said it was 90 percent lighting, and 10 percent the sun filter on Instagram. He had a spot on what kind of diet to have. He said that it did not matter what he ate, as long as it stayed in the calorie limit. He preferred the clean diet, which contained a lot of chicken. He said that eating chicken got old after the first week. At the end he stated, "You have now read the first and only book you will ever need to read."

Characterization: Dom was a different type of person. He had all of these weird concepts that I had never thought about. Some of his topics may have sound crazy, but I could see them working. He said that it does not matter what was on the label, if it helped, it was good for the body.

Impact of Setting: The setting was in the Iron Church. The Iron Church was what Dom called the gym. The whole book took place in the gym, which fit the whole meaning of the book. If the book took place anywhere else, it would have been odd. The year setting was 2016-2017 because the book came out in November.

Thematic Connection: The theme was hard work pays off. While reading, it was obvious. The whole book was about working hard to make myself better. Everyone knows that lifting makes anyone stronger, which is better.

Recommendation: I would recommend this to any guy high school age or older. I really do not think females would like this book. There are only two chapters that would appeal to girls. I say the age restrictions due to the fact that there is quite a bit of foul language.

Pop Bop
Oct 28, 2016 rated it it was amazing
I'm Pretty Pumped About This Book

Being in my mid-60's the dream of being truly pumped may be a bridge too far, but I'm working on the guns and on having a chest you could play jacks on, so I'm interested. Given that, I found this book entertaining, sort of informative, and inspirational in a breezy, cheerful, high energy way.

The character Dom Mazzetti is famous as the muscle king who launched "Bro Science Life" on You Tube. He also sells the pre-workout supplement powder "Gnar Pump", which will

I'm Pretty Pumped About This Book

Being in my mid-60's the dream of being truly pumped may be a bridge too far, but I'm working on the guns and on having a chest you could play jacks on, so I'm interested. Given that, I found this book entertaining, sort of informative, and inspirational in a breezy, cheerful, high energy way.

The character Dom Mazzetti is famous as the muscle king who launched "Bro Science Life" on You Tube. He also sells the pre-workout supplement powder "Gnar Pump", which will help you "make gains that will explode planets and sink battleships". So it only makes sense for him to have authored a guide on how to pump your way to body perfection.

This Bible, though, is only vaguely a how-to book. It's about 30% information, guidance and tips. There's another 30% of humorous, but pointed, do's and don'ts. There is a lot about your journey from primordial ooze to tadpole to brotege to gym bro to gym rat to monster to freak beast. Wrapped around all of this are funny or surprisingly insightful throwaway lines about life, lifting, gyms, and being swole. And don't forget the joy of mirrors. All of this is presented in an appropriately pumped up, purposefully exaggerated, encouragingly over the top style that is like the written version of having your slightly insane spotter exhort you to do just one more set of reps.

This weirdly engaging combination of breezy, knowledgeable and chuckleheaded worked for me. Here's a good example. Dom warns you not to lift your feet while you bench, as this is disrespectful. "Bench pressing is a heavy muscle-building exercise, not some froufrou Bosu ball core-tightening Euro cablelaties maneuver." This is a good tip and it's good, smart writing.

So, take your shirt off and read this book, ripping out each page as finish it. You'll be glad you did. (Please note that I received a free advance ecopy of this book without a review requirement, or any influence regarding review content should I choose to post a review. Apart from that I have no connection at all to either the author or the publisher of this book.)

Cole Shepherd
Sep 16, 2018 rated it really liked it
Dom Mazzetti is definitely not a typical author, starting his book with "Yo," saying "Bro" in what seems like every sentence, and using very informal language. Exaggerated and overconfident sentences such as "Today, many of you know me as a ripped muscle god who basically started the internet," are common. This book is not for everyone. It does include a glossary of terms that are used throughout the book at the beginning of the book. The book is not a difficult book to read or understand. The b Dom Mazzetti is definitely not a typical author, starting his book with "Yo," saying "Bro" in what seems like every sentence, and using very informal language. Exaggerated and overconfident sentences such as "Today, many of you know me as a ripped muscle god who basically started the internet," are common. This book is not for everyone. It does include a glossary of terms that are used throughout the book at the beginning of the book. The book is not a difficult book to read or understand. The biggest reason many people should not read this book is the graphic and vulgar terms and anecdotes throughout. Mazzetti almost always uses first and second person, either talking about himself or talking directly to the reader. Anyone wanting to read this for actual advice on working out should turn elsewhere. While some of the advice included in the novel is in fact useful, the book is more humorous than useful. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a comedic book that has spent any portion of their life working out and can be mature enough to handle the content. Mazzetti is more well known for his videos on YouTube. If someone does not have time to read this book, almost all the content in this book is in video form on his YouTube channel. The book and his videos are essentially the same content in different forms. This was an entertaining book to read, unlike any book I have read before, although I probably would not read any other books by Mazzetti. ...more
Feb 04, 2017 rated it liked it
I am SO motivated to get massive now. There is magic in Uncle Dom's words.

On a more objective note, if you've watched the bulk of the Broscience videos on youtube then many of the jokes and comparisons will be familiar, since Dom re-uses them. I've seen all his videos, and yet this doesn't bother me because I wanted a print copy to have lying around for quick reference anyway.

And what motivates me in this book more than more "scientifically accurate" weightlifting guides is that Dom knows what

I am SO motivated to get massive now. There is magic in Uncle Dom's words.

On a more objective note, if you've watched the bulk of the Broscience videos on youtube then many of the jokes and comparisons will be familiar, since Dom re-uses them. I've seen all his videos, and yet this doesn't bother me because I wanted a print copy to have lying around for quick reference anyway.

And what motivates me in this book more than more "scientifically accurate" weightlifting guides is that Dom knows what we want and tells us exactly how he got it. I've been a novice in the lifting/exercising world for quite some time and I get tired of hearing cop-out answers like "well, it depends on what your goals are" and "you're gonna want to eat lean meats and vegetables and balance your diet" yadda yadda. Thanks for nothing, brah.

Of course my goal is to get huge, as big as my genetics will allow me. And of course I should be eating good food and staying away from junk, that's a no brainer. So where Dom differs from all those other guides is he tells me exactly what I need to do. Do this exercise, all the time. Do that exercise, never. Buy that 10 lb bag of frozen chicken at Costco, cook it with brown rice and eat it. Advice doesn't need to be in the form of a master's thesis, and Dom understands this.

Will definitely read again and reference in the future, and someday display this book on my coffee table (when I finally own a coffee table).

Jan 03, 2017 rated it liked it
As much as I love Brosciencelife on youtube, this book is mostly transcribed videos -- videos that originally relied on visual humor and hilarious acting and delivery. I'd love to see other book spinoffs, but with content created specifically for a print format. As much as I love Brosciencelife on youtube, this book is mostly transcribed videos -- videos that originally relied on visual humor and hilarious acting and delivery. I'd love to see other book spinoffs, but with content created specifically for a print format. ...more
Jul 18, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Pure BroScience genius - I gained 30 lbs just reading it, which took a few hours.
Gil T.
I guess I wasn't the intended audience for this. It felt as if I were listening to an neverending episode of Jersey Shore...and gawd that was awful. I guess I wasn't the intended audience for this. It felt as if I were listening to an neverending episode of Jersey Shore...and gawd that was awful. ...more
Bon Tom
Dec 17, 2018 rated it it was amazing
Buahahaha. Super, incredible funny. I made I mistake of making bookmarks. No need for it. The whole book is one big bookmark.
Sean Owen
I'm old enough to remember life before the internet. In those days when you took up a new pursuit you had to stumble around like a fool while you learned the ins and outs of your new hobby. The way you'd learn in those days would be by showing up wearing the wrong shoes and seeing nearly everyone else wearing similar shoes. Or you'd learn by having someone pull you aside and quietly tell you how much a fool you were making of yourself. This guide would then teach you the ropes and save you from I'm old enough to remember life before the internet. In those days when you took up a new pursuit you had to stumble around like a fool while you learned the ins and outs of your new hobby. The way you'd learn in those days would be by showing up wearing the wrong shoes and seeing nearly everyone else wearing similar shoes. Or you'd learn by having someone pull you aside and quietly tell you how much a fool you were making of yourself. This guide would then teach you the ropes and save you from future embarrassment. Now no one has to work at anything and you can just learn all the rules before you start and don't have to earn your way in.

The Dom Mazzetti character is an over the top cliche of the modern weightlifting gym rat. But the character is hilarious because beneath the caricature there is so much truth. Most of the videos are hilarious, though I have to admit more recent ones are pretty lacking simply because there isn't that much ground he hasn't already covered. "The Swoly Bible" is legitimately laugh out loud funny, but only if you haven't watched the youtube videos. The book is a line for line translation of the videos. I'm not really sure who the book is targetted to because this is all old material that plays better in a video format anyway.

David Tedjopurnomo
This book is hilarious and... that's it. Sure there are some good gym tips peppered here and there, but for the most part, this book is intended to be satirical. It is very, very good satire and I find myself chuckling here and there, but the end result is a book that doesn't really have a point. I bought this not expecting much and I got exactly what I expected; a funny book that doesn't have a whole lot going behind it.

If you like the comedic style, check out Dom's channel on Youtube. It's de

This book is hilarious and... that's it. Sure there are some good gym tips peppered here and there, but for the most part, this book is intended to be satirical. It is very, very good satire and I find myself chuckling here and there, but the end result is a book that doesn't really have a point. I bought this not expecting much and I got exactly what I expected; a funny book that doesn't have a whole lot going behind it.

If you like the comedic style, check out Dom's channel on Youtube. It's definitely one of the most hilarious channels out there.

Michael Gabriel Raphael
I wish I had read this book when I started lifting many years ago. I certainly learnt some useful fitness tips. It made me realise that I had been making a lot of mistakes In gyms but I had no choice since no one bothered to help me although I asked for help or tips as discrimination against physical disability was common back then and still exists till today. Although it contains crude words, I appreciate some humour in it. At least, it was treating its audience like close friends. When I start I wish I had read this book when I started lifting many years ago. I certainly learnt some useful fitness tips. It made me realise that I had been making a lot of mistakes In gyms but I had no choice since no one bothered to help me although I asked for help or tips as discrimination against physical disability was common back then and still exists till today. Although it contains crude words, I appreciate some humour in it. At least, it was treating its audience like close friends. When I started reading this book, I was not aware that the author has his own popular YouTube channel. ...more
Mar 22, 2017 rated it it was amazing
about a year ago i had surgery and have been pretty messed up ever since. it was a challenge to keep from passing out and pissing my pants, let alone going to the gym. but things are better now, so i'm able to lift again. but i need to make sure i do it correctly now, even more badly than ever before.

what dom has reminded me of in this book is that injuries aren't real. even when they are. those dizzy spells are just brain muscles squeezing against my skull. i was obviously doing too many deadli

about a year ago i had surgery and have been pretty messed up ever since. it was a challenge to keep from passing out and pissing my pants, let alone going to the gym. but things are better now, so i'm able to lift again. but i need to make sure i do it correctly now, even more badly than ever before.

what dom has reminded me of in this book is that injuries aren't real. even when they are. those dizzy spells are just brain muscles squeezing against my skull. i was obviously doing too many deadlifts, which swole up the neck into the brain stem area. because obviously, my deadlift form wasn't perfect, because as every bro one knows how to do the correct deadlift form. bro scientists are still searching for the correct method. i have since switched my workout plan to a mixture of chest, arms, and chest and arms with a little bit of back thrown in to keep the pump going round and round. and everything is amazing now.

thank you, dom. you saved my life.

Nov 30, 2020 rated it liked it
I rarely read books dedicated to making me laugh but this one was pretty funny. Dom has a youtube channel where he does funny lifting videos and acts like an idiot that believes he is knowledgable when it comes to weightlifting. The issue is that, he kind of does, but he' like the worst teacher ever. Hilarity ensues. My issue with this book is that its either nearly or completely a carbon copy of many of his own videos. Same topics. Same jokes. It all seems very familiar. I rarely read books dedicated to making me laugh but this one was pretty funny. Dom has a youtube channel where he does funny lifting videos and acts like an idiot that believes he is knowledgable when it comes to weightlifting. The issue is that, he kind of does, but he' like the worst teacher ever. Hilarity ensues. My issue with this book is that its either nearly or completely a carbon copy of many of his own videos. Same topics. Same jokes. It all seems very familiar. ...more
Peter Parker
Aug 08, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I really enjoyed this book. It was easy to read (which is great if you're a gym bro) and it has a sense of humour I can definitely relate to. I found myself nodding (and laughing) many many times throughout this book thinking "OMG that's me!" Or "OMG I know the exact guy he's talking about!". Definitely recommended for that gym junkie who is a closet nerd. I really enjoyed this book. It was easy to read (which is great if you're a gym bro) and it has a sense of humour I can definitely relate to. I found myself nodding (and laughing) many many times throughout this book thinking "OMG that's me!" Or "OMG I know the exact guy he's talking about!". Definitely recommended for that gym junkie who is a closet nerd. ...more
Jun 02, 2017 rated it really liked it
At times satirical, at times...oddly inspirational. Definitely a walk down memory lane of my early 20s. If you like bro shit, and you have ever taken lifting too seriously, this book will probably make you laugh. Listened to it on audiobook, and I think that might be the optimal format.
Feb 27, 2018 rated it liked it
4 stars if you havent seen the broscience videos from a few years a go and understand the sarcasm 2 stars if you did see the videos because this book is basically the written edition -almost word per word- of those videos.
Mar 23, 2018 rated it liked it
Fun but very much predictable for those who have already watched most if not all of his videos, and at times incomplete on the scripts (for example the "progression of a lifter") which makes it less fun than the videos themselves. Fun but very much predictable for those who have already watched most if not all of his videos, and at times incomplete on the scripts (for example the "progression of a lifter") which makes it less fun than the videos themselves. ...more
Aug 20, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Get ready to be pumped up with the Swoly Spirt and make them gains as brofessor Dom Mazzetti guides you through The Church of Iron from primordial ooze to Freak Beast in this hilarious tongue in cheek social commentary on the modern day "gym life" For the full expression of his insight; the audiobook is a must.
Apr 26, 2020 rated it liked it
Starts off really strong, really BroScience. Quick, funny, witty. By the end it's mediocre, the jokes have all been told and it's just mindless babble and cursing. If you like Dom Mazzetti, stick to his YouTube series
Jan 29, 2017 rated it really liked it
If you like his YouTube channel, you'll probably like this book. Humorous, easy read. If you like his YouTube channel, you'll probably like this book. Humorous, easy read. ...more
Aug 24, 2017 rated it it was amazing
*Sound of bullets coming out of a gun in a loud and rapid manner*
Oct 22, 2017 rated it did not like it
My husband thought this book was hilarious. Me, not so much.
Marcel Schäfer
Funny and interesting book. Really (!) similar to his videos tho and barely new content.
John Zeleznik
Apr 29, 2018 rated it really liked it
A goofy, fun book as long as you don't take it too seriously. The biggest surprise was there was actually some decent advice in the book. A goofy, fun book as long as you don't take it too seriously. The biggest surprise was there was actually some decent advice in the book. ...more
Mohammad Mohammad
Funny and oddly enough full of gym life tips!
Achraf Saadi
Jan 25, 2019 rated it it was amazing
Great book, gives you motivation to go back to the gym, especially in winter when it's cold and cozy at home. Definitely recommend it. Great book, gives you motivation to go back to the gym, especially in winter when it's cold and cozy at home. Definitely recommend it. ...more
Mark Coward
This book was amusing......

Something gets lost between the Youtube videos and this book.

Im not sure the humour comes across when written on paper.

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